MadeSimple Online Financial Advice

MadeSimple is a digital financial education & financial advice platform.

MadeSimple Review
About MadeSimple

What We Do

 We use technology to facilitate a more personalised and environmentally friendly financial advice service from the comfort of your own home.

Empowering Public Sector Employees

The main purpose of MadeSimple is to de jargon public sector pensions and employment benefits. We decipher the information provided to public sector employees in pension guides and circulars and make it easy to understand and act on.

Since March 2020, we started the MadeSimple free online seminars with teachers, HSE, university staff, city & county council employees and other public sector bodies. These seminars have surged a huge interest and demand for our educational service in areas where employees value our expertise.

financial advice

Ready to talk?

Keep it simple! Contact us now!

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